January 21, 2010

The Daily Sync for January 21st, 2010

About 500 or so gaming news articles pass in front of my eyes daily.  There is a lot of stuff that happens everyday, so don't let anyone say video games are for the lazies; these people are hard at work!  However, despite the myriad of information, nothing really tickled my fancy.  They may tickle others', but not mine today.  I do my best to section out the big news, however, but it's pretty much what I think is huge.  To each his own!  I hope you like what I choose as headliners!

Anyway, like I've said in a previous Daily Sync, no big news is no big deal.  It just means something else that's big is cooking, biding it's time for the right moment to surface ...

I can't even think of a good entice to click below, so you might as well just click.

There's a couple of viiideeeeooos ...

Halo: Reach, the Titanic of Games

Via G4TV, three big wigs of the final, final, final Halo title, Marcus Lehto, Joseph Tung and Brian Jarrardspoke generally with Edge about their future obvious hit, about their brainstorming and how they've tried to stay true to Halo lore.

The most interesting bit to me is how they've tackled telling a dark story of which we know the ending (get the Titanic reference now?) with actually having fun playing the game while this terrible event transpires.  I'm very intrigued with how Reach is going to stand out in the bunch.  I believe in Bungie, despite them wanting us to wear pink hearts on our MJOLNIR to aide Haiti.

It's a great article.  I hope to get my latest issue of GameInformer in the mail soon so I can read their report, too.

Thou Shalt Save Me to Thy Harddrive

Am I talking about this because I'm Christian?  Yeah, that might have something to do with it.  Otherwise I feel this would slip under the radar in most cases.

Joystiq has provided a video walkthrough (see below) of indie game Bible Navigator X.  Yes, X, and like Joystiq, I have no actual idea why it's Xtreme, or the tenth edition ...  The video is pretty amusing and doesn't pull that many jokes (his theme comments are funny).  It's good to get the Word out there.  Unfortunately, I can't imagine it being used much.  He's right when he says going to your actual Bible is probably a better choice.  And really, is this a "game?"  All that said, I know God can do amazing things with anything and anyone.  If just one person is reached, I honestly believe it'd be worth it.

Even If He's a Paid Actor, He Must Also Be a Gamer

Kotaku put up this You Tube video.  Watch and feel his pain!

Worthy Mention

- Ever wonder what you can do with your finished Games on Demand?  You can't trade them in, right?  Right now you can't, but just maybe ...

- Braid is an XBLA game I would love to play, just can't get myself to put down the cash to download it.  Well, apparently it's going to be in disc form soon as well!  Still doesn't help me be able to afford it, but cool nonetheless.


  1. Just got back from a Haiti benefit concert and I'm wondering if it's the same as Bungie's deal. Ecclesia was donating all proceeds from the concert to Haiti. I made some bold statements about this topic and now I'm not sure what to think. I bought a cd there that I already have just because I knew where it was going. Should I have just given that money to the haiti fund? Hmmm. I shouldn't have said nothing! Ha. Oh well, that's how it goes.

  2. Seems like there's something to be said about "purchasing" something, and you did give it to the Haiti fund, simply via another route. I guess it all depends on where the heart is of the person/company you're buying from, as well as our individual hearts. I'm sure some will take advantage of the situation, others won't.

    Bungie is donating all the funds from certain t-shirts bought in their store. That makes sense. I think just the act of playing a video game seems effortless ... I don't know. Personally, if I'm helping out I want to give more of my time and money. Gaming wouldn't have been like I'm "giving my time and money." That's the way I kind of interpret it all, not condoning anyone who actually did heart-it-up and play Halo. On the surface it seemed like a cool banding-together thing, but not as fulfilling.

    But I guess I can't really say anything, can I, since I neither played or have purchased anything Haiti-related. I'm a jerk.
